Xsara is a purebred beagle. We compete in agility on A3/J3 level and we love to do tricks. To me she is the cutest, the smartest and the most wonderful dog and my best friend!
they can be trained, they are amazingly smart animals, you just need a different approach.They won't work unless they want to so you need to convince them this is what they want. You need to reward them a lot and it's better if you don't do a lot of repetition because they get bored.
The crazy agility person - and proud of it!
We had no trials yesterday. It was kind of weird having so much free time. We decided to make a trip to the seaside and film the second part of Xsara's tricks. I thought it would be nice to do it before I go to Norway. So ... let me know what you think! We forgot to film some of the tricks so I guess we will have to include them the next time ...