The first Rally-Obedience trial went surprisingly well. We lost most pts on the table since I wasn't confident Xsara would do it from 10 metres and I went closer. We also lost pts on other agility obstacles - the jump was the 1st exercise and Xsara thought this was an agi trial and wanted to run over it. Later on there was the exercise where the dog must heel while you are making circles. On every right turn the dog had the entrance into the tunnel right in front of the muzzle. My agi doggy wanted to go in so bad - she didn't but she kept looking in that direction. Other exercises went well - we gained 65/75 pts and finished on 8th place out of 21 dogs (but only 3pts after the dog that placed 2nd which is probably what we lost on the table). Meaning we passed the RO-I exam and are now allowed to compete. We both definitely prefer agility but it would be fun to do RO trials every now and then.

Kako pa RO tekme zgledajo? Oz. v cemu je sploh point RO?
Ja, vem, smotana sem .. vem samo, da je to za zelo poslusne pse in potem moja cmrla takoj odpade in se nisem poglabljala v to.
RO je poslusnost na malo bolj zabaven nacin. Po parkurju so postavljene tablice, na katerih so povelja in potem hodis od ene do druge in delas, kar pise. Zabavno je pa predvsem zato, ker so zelo skupaj in v bistvu samo hodis iz enega povelja v drugo, ni ti treba vmes pol ure delat poleg.
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