My princesses

My photo
Sava Sara Brakada, AKA Xsara was born on 06-27-2004. She was raised in Kennel Brakada spending the first two months of her life on beautiful countryside Gorenjska (Slovenia) with her siblings and parents. As soon as she came to Ljubljana we started a puppy class, followed by an obedience class. She passed her B-bh exam with 96 points (instructor Agility EO winner Polona Bonač). We now continue with Rally-Obedience under Polona's supervision. Our biggest passion however is Agility. We started our first Agility class in October 2005 (club Agility Ilirija, instructor Silvia Trkman, two times agility world champion). When Silvia stopped teaching agility classes, we switched to Daša Zakotnik. We regularly participate in Agility trials in Slovenia and sometimes abroad. Xsara also loves to learn new dog tricks, you can see some of them in our videos. Her other passions include long walks, big meals and playing with dogs, specially her pyr shep sister Tani, her crazy agility pals and her sister Sena.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Helping Železniki

A Slovenian region Železniki was recently badly damaged by a storm. On Saturday we had two canine events to raise money for these people. The first event was an agility trial and all the incomes went to the Canine Training Center of the region. They will buy new agility obstacles with the money. The other event was a Beagle Gathering (thanks to Boštjan for the photo) organised by our breeder who also lives in the damaged area. The money was raised to help one of the families who lost most of their belongings in the tragedy. It is always nice to help people and we are very glad that we could do so. Unfortunately both events were on the same day so we couldn't stay through the whole of them. But I was happy with one agility run (we had an off-course because of a very stupid mistake of mine, but the rest of the run was great) and it was nice to spend the afternoon with other beagle lovers. We are very proud to be a part of this dogs-loving community that is so willing to help the others! Again thanks to Petrca for the video!


L said...

Hi Xsara,

Thanks for visiting my blog. You have great pictures of you running and jumping. They are very impressive! Congratulations on all your wins.
Comet and BLU

Simona said...

Oj, sem gledala tale tvoj video. Sej Xsara niti ni tko počasen kuža. Ni lih border, ampak se mi zdi, da kar šiba.

Xsara and Tani said...

Ne, saj ni tako pocasna, ampak ne laufa na polno. Ma se kar nekaj rezerve. Na treningih pa sploh siba, ce jo jaz dovolj spodbujam. Ne bom pa od nje nikoli pricakovala, naj bo border, ker to ne bi bilo fer do nje!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Xsara,

Welcome to - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :-)


Xsara and Tani said...

Thank's to Comet and Blu and Opy - nice to meet you all :D

Sophie Brador said...

Hi Xsara, I love beagles! It's great to meet you. Come visit my blog any time.


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hi again Xsara,

Of course you can join the Bone Zone forum. We have had alot of trouble with spammers - so we have had to take away the registration link.

If you email me -

I will send you the information you need to register - not a problem. We would be very happy to have you as part of the forum :-)


Juno said...

Hi Xsara! Nice to meet you!!
That is a very impressive video!!
Come & see me when you have a chance.

Momo xoxo

Amber-Mae said...

Hey there Xsara! I actually found videos of you doing tricks on youtube last month. I didn't know you had a blog. I'm sooo happee to meet ya! Oh my, I'm sooo very impressed with ya. Look at all those shiny trophies! You must be really really good in Agility. I love those tricky tricks vids too!

I'm actually a dancing dog in Malaysia. I do lots of tricks too, Agility, Flyball & OB. I'm already in Intermediate level. I'm guessing you're in that level too becoz I saw you do the 'Drop in motion' very well in the tricks vid.

Mommy's currently re-teaching me the 'Grease' dance routine to perform for a private function. Still not sure if they will pick me coz there is another dog they are interested in. If they do pick me, mommy will teach me another routine & it will be Cha Cha. Never done Cha Cha before but I think it will be great fun to learn something new...

Ok, I think I'm talking too much here. It was nice finding you in DWB. Please do drop by my bloggy some day & watch all my dance & tricks videos. See ya Xsara!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer


Hi Xsara,
Thanks for visiting our blog! Its always great to meet other dog and especially beagle lovers! Wow you have won so many trophies! May we add your name to our list of friends?
Jazz and Dixie