I remember the first time I thought we were becomming obsessed with agility. We had been training for a couple of months and my trainer Silvia Trkman told me I could come again on Saturday. "But Saturday is Christmas Eve ...". She gave me a very confused look: "That's OK, you can come next week then". And all I could think was - I would rather be here than anywhere else. I mean, I was gonna take Xsara for a walk anyway, what difference does it make. We usually go out of town for New Year but not Christmas, I'm never having people over for dinner since everybody knows I can't cook, and most of all "what else would I rather do on my day off"? I guess that Christmas Eve I officially became
The crazy agility person - and proud of it!
This Saturday we had no trials - the season is over and Winter Cup hasn't started yet. We're going to do some trials abroad and train a little more until this break lasts. Fortunately we have a lot to work on!
Thanks to Sandra for this photo.

Hey Xsara -
Thanks for stopping by. Of course you can add me to your list! Thanks so much for asking.
Have a great week! Woofs!
Xsara, Christmas Eve coming up already? That's fast...You really love agility don't cha? How old are you now btw girl? You look like you're quite mature already but still GREAT in agility! I'm sooo impressed with you...Are there any Goldens competing too? Maybe next time if we two meet up, we both can compete together but I doubt that I will win. I'm not fast enuf...LOL!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I actually thought of Christmas because I saw one blogger in USA already making homemade Christmas cards.
dory and liza: thank you!
amber-mae: Xsara is not mature at all, she's only three years old. Some people think she's a lot older because she has very little pigmentation and has white hair, but she's always had them. Other people think she's still a puppy because of her baby face, playfullness and energy. We have some goldens in agility here and I've seen a really good one on world championship this year! Anyway, nice to hear from you again!
Hi.... I am a beagle mix, and me and my brother and sister do agility!! We are addicted, too. My sister Katie just started her 2nd year of agility and my brother and I are in our first year. We are glad we found your site!
ej ti odvisnik, saj maš tekme v tujini, recimo že to nedeljo v zagrebu, če se ne motim.
Zorra: it's nice to meet other agility addicts :)
benetton: saj pravim, da bomo sli na kaksno tekmo v tujino - samo ne v zagreb, ker ob nedeljah delam. Gremo pa naslednji teden v Belgijo, komaj cakam!
Hi, Xsara
Nice to meet you! I saw your name at DWB and wanted to come and say Hello!
Have a good night
Hi Xsara,
Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Invisible background music player: How to install and why you should not do it and for your kind words. I have responded to your comment.
Peter Blog*Star
Blogger for Dummies
Hi xsara, dropping in to say hello!
Hi Xsara! we sniffed over from DWB and so glad we did! you are so adorable and love your blog. you'll have to teach mommy how to make our purdy too. I (Crikit) want to do agility but haven't started classes but I do a lot at home. we'll trot back onver again
tx trio wagging tails & barking loud
Hi Xsara! Thanks so much for visiting my bloggy! You are one pretty beagle..I especially love your baby pictures! You are so adorable! & all the pics of you with your trophies! You should try out for the doggy olympics! I bet you'll win Gold in everything! Once my mom/secretary updates my bloggy, I'd like to link you so I can see what you're up to all the time..hope thats OK with you!
You are my first Eastern European Doggy friend!
Love & Licks,
hi Xara, l m Million my sister is Dollar just drop by to said "hi"
Xsara, poglej, koliko imas obozevalcev from abroad, kaj si tolk jezna na naju? :o)
No .. jaz se ne bi ozirala na bozicni vecer in bi sla na trening, ce bi bila pri volji. Najbrz je ze praznik takrat, ko se jaz z Luno spravim na trening. Ko bo tacka cist ok in ko se mal posusi nas agility akvarij, se pa res zbrcam v rit :o)
Xsara qué bonita sos!! modestamente muy parecida a mi jajaja. Te robo una fotito para mi guestbook, sí? patitaa guabeso guau guauuu
What Xsara pretty sos! Modestly very similar to my jajaja. Te stealing a fotito for my guestbook, yes? Patitaa guabeso guau guauuu
nano frontera: thank you for visiting our blog, of course I will sign your guestbook :)
riba: saj sva sli za bozic na trening in razmisljam, da bi zacele celo tradicijo in vsak bozic sli na Ilirijo, mogoce celo se za veliko noc
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