On Saturday we had a trial here in Ljubljana. The course was very weird, I made myself really dizzy running it but Xsara took it pretty well. I was happy because the contacts were done as I wanted and trained them. We had two clean runs and managed to run them fast enough with no points on time. We finished on 3rd place. I was incredibly happy with Xsara's performance. The main problem is in me - I know I should trust her more and run faster, just like we do on training. I'm working on it. Patience ...
We have the introduction meeting for Rally-O tonight, I just can't wait!
P.S.: The entire blog is now in English.

ma dej no ... kaj pa integriteta nasega jezika. Nasha raisen spracha mora biti klena!
Pa saj smo vsi Slovenci vesci v znanju tujih jezikov ;D
saj se lahko napiše v obeh jezikih;)
You seem like a very talented [cute] doggie! Nice to meet you
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