The first trial since January went incredibly well. Both our runs were clean and fast enough to bring us the first place in A2/J2 cathegory. The course was very muddy and slippery so I almost fell a couple of times, but I was happy with my handling - I think my directions were clear even on the tricky spots and Xsara was able to understand them on time. I have the video of our first run but it's very poor quality. I hope I will get a higher quality version and post it this week, otherwise I will just post the one I have. Anyway, I am very happy with how the trial went and with Xsara's performance - in addition the weathermen were wrong again and we had almost no rain all day, it was actually sunny most of the time. All in all, this was probably one of my favorite trials so far.
The day ended with another exciting news. We will get to doggy-sit Xsara's sister Sena this week (and in May, too). Her people even said I can try taking her to agility and if she will work with me maybe compete with her, too. Now, that would really be fun!

I'm also posting a photo of a new trick - this is not the "secret" trick I was talking about before, but I think it looks pretty cool. I haven't named it yet, but I will probably call it "get in the bowl" if I don't get any better ideas (I always add the verbal cue in the last step of teaching a trick). The "secret" trick is taking a little longer because we have a lot of other work now (with advanced RO class, agility and regular ground-work), but it's coming, I promise!
Hi Xsara,
Congratualtions on coming first in your trial. Love the "in the bowl" trick! You are one clever beagle.
Jazz and Dixie
First place!!! Way to go, Xsara! All of your hard work is paying off!
Great news about puppy-sitting, too! Take lots of pictures. :)
Ooooh, love the bowl trick! That takes "agility", too!
Tail wags,
PS: Is "Succeedy" really Latin? Ha roo roo roo!
I like the "Get in the bowl" trick.
Woo-hoooooo! Congratulations!!! What a start to your year!!!
Happy wags from the whippets
well done xsara,
what a great start after u have been taking a rest for some time...
Hi, Xsara!
Congratulations! Sure you two are good!
I like your new trick! You look very cute in that picture!
Kisses and hugs
Congrats Xsara! You go girl! Love your new trick! You are one smart girl!
Congratulations Xsara! That's one HUGE bag of fooodables! Better not start stealing the whole bag of that food when your mom is out again coz your stomach will definitely go KABOOOM! That trick is very difficult to learn. My mommy tried teaching me that I think three months back & I just couldn't balance in it. I can go in the box though but not stand in a very small box or tupperware like you. I'm too bulky I guess. But good job in learning that trick too. I can't wait to see your "secret" trick...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Way to go Xsara and B! :) You show them what a Beagle can do!
I aboslutely love the new trick, takes some balancing! Will have to show the pic to Emma. :)
Looking forward to the video clip of your run.
Hugs from Emma & Levi
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