Xsara is a purebred beagle. We compete in agility on A3/J3 level and we love to do tricks. To me she is the cutest, the smartest and the most wonderful dog and my best friend!
Sava Sara Brakada, AKA Xsara was born on 06-27-2004. She was raised in Kennel Brakada spending the first two months of her life on beautiful countryside Gorenjska (Slovenia) with her siblings and parents. As soon as she came to Ljubljana we started a puppy class, followed by an obedience class. She passed her B-bh exam with 96 points (instructor Agility EO winner Polona Bonač). We now continue with Rally-Obedience under Polona's supervision.
Our biggest passion however is Agility. We started our first Agility class in October 2005 (club Agility Ilirija, instructor Silvia Trkman, two times agility world champion). When Silvia stopped teaching agility classes, we switched to Daša Zakotnik. We regularly participate in Agility trials in Slovenia and sometimes abroad. Xsara also loves to learn new dog tricks, you can see some of them in our videos. Her other passions include long walks, big meals and playing with dogs, specially her pyr shep sister Tani, her crazy agility pals and her sister Sena.
Unfortunately, our agility class on Monday was cancelled because of the storm, but it stopped raining by the evening so we didn't have to cancel the Rally-Obedience class. We decided we would be doing courses on Mondays and new things on Fridays. Xsara did horrible at first, she refused to heel and acted as she had never done any obedience in her life, but after a while she became her normal self again and worked very well for the rest of the class. I guess it's just "beagle's stuff" - I think she is very reliable for a beagle, but sometimes she has to remind me that she is a beagle, and I believe it's best to deal with this issue with a lot of patience.
We had agility training today, and she did quite well. You can see how sad she was while she had to wait for her turn. She knocked one bar and analyzing the video I think I probably made her turn left too quickly, while she was still in the air. The rest of the training was quite OK, I think our running-in-the-mornings is starting to pay off, which makes me extremely happy (but I still have to work on MY running a lot!). I'm posting two videos of our runs - the quality sucks, but you can see the dog and most of the obstacles, which I guess is the point :) Unfortunately you can't see the weaves, but the entrance was very difficult, so she did a really good job finding it right away. You will notice I was out of breath - in my defense I have to say that we had to move all of the obstacles (including the contacts) to the other part of the ring before our class. And they were heavy. Thanks to Simona for filming us.
Wow! Xsara is really moooo-ving! Nice runs, pity about that bar, but what a weave entry!!! She's a stunning little Agility Beagle!
High-fives from Emma & Levi... who also sometimes give me that "Beagle's-stuff"... :) but hey, that makes their achievements so much more special, doesn't it? :)
Wow, that was grrrreat! You're super good at agility, Xsara!
I actually get sad when I have to wait for my turn, too! Sometimes I sit and stare at all the obstacles while I do big, loooong howls. I just can't wait for my turn to get out there, hee hee!
I really enjoyed the videos. You'll have to post lots more!
Nice job Xsara! I can hear your mom's breathing & she was really out of breath! My mommy goes out of breath too but that's becoz she's really out of shape, BOL! I get very impatient when it's my turn so I already start jumping when I'm supposed to wait 1st. I'll be doing an Agility demo this coming Sunday so hopefully I'll do well.
GREAT videos! And our mom says Beagles are almost as stubborn as Siberians. HA roo roo roo! I think my sister Amber would be great at agility - she's very athletic. The only problem is that Sibes don't always respond to direction. Well, OK, hardly ever. Well, OK, we do what we want to. Ha roo roo roo! Play bows, Zim
Wow! Xsara is really moooo-ving! Nice runs, pity about that bar, but what a weave entry!!! She's a stunning little Agility Beagle!
High-fives from Emma & Levi... who also sometimes give me that "Beagle's-stuff"... :) but hey, that makes their achievements so much more special, doesn't it? :)
We think both of you did fantastic runs. And I'll agree that it's probably harder on the trainer than the dog with all that running :-)
The Fleas
Wow, that was grrrreat! You're super good at agility, Xsara!
I actually get sad when I have to wait for my turn, too! Sometimes I sit and stare at all the obstacles while I do big, loooong howls. I just can't wait for my turn to get out there, hee hee!
I really enjoyed the videos. You'll have to post lots more!
Its always a joy to see how much Xsara likes her training!
Sure I can't do that but my mom... she is worse than me!
Kisses and hugs
You did great, Xsara!
Nice job Xsara! I can hear your mom's breathing & she was really out of breath! My mommy goes out of breath too but that's becoz she's really out of shape, BOL! I get very impatient when it's my turn so I already start jumping when I'm supposed to wait 1st. I'll be doing an Agility demo this coming Sunday so hopefully I'll do well.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
u must be real busy... u even join rally-o class...
i've never been to any rally-o b4, but i think is sumthing like ob with more variety of exercise...
although i'm not a beagle, but i did practise some beagle stuff too, ie. nose pointing to the ground during my entire walk...whoopee
GREAT videos! And our mom says Beagles are almost as stubborn as Siberians. HA roo roo roo!
I think my sister Amber would be great at agility - she's very athletic. The only problem is that Sibes don't always respond to direction. Well, OK, hardly ever. Well, OK, we do what we want to. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Our servant gets so out of breath that at Sam I Am's last trial she almost puked on the pause table! You guys are looking super!
wags from the whippets
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