They say that accidents never come alone. I guess it's true. Yesterday we got our first agility-related injury, or any type of injury for the matter of fact. Xsara broke her nail during agi training, well she practically pulled it out, since it fell out when the vet just touched it.
She took it very bravely, so at first I didn't even notice she was hurt. She finished the run like it was nothing and Daša even said it was a very good run. But when we finished the course Xsara went to drink and we noticed she was holding her foot in the air.
Fortunately our obedience trainer Polona (who is also a vet) was on the course at the same time and she looked at it. She said the toe was fine. I rushed her to the vet and now she's on 2 weeks rest and antibiotics, she also has a bandaged foot and a shoe over it.

I don't know how I'm going to make her rest for that long! I guess we'll be doing a lot of new tricks where she doesn't have to move a lot (steady tricks?). The vet also suggested to have her neutered now instead of next month, since she currently has to rest anyway and she wouldn't have to do it twice. I wanted to do it after the winter trials, but we can't compete now anyway so it doesn't make much of a difference. If I'm emotionally ready by next week, I guess we'll probably do it then. One way or another, she's going to be my little patient for a while, so we've got a lot of cuddling coming up.

I think that's sound advice from the vet. If Xsara is going to be incapacitated now anyway, then why have her incapacitated again later too? Might as well use this accident to save her another period of inactivity.
Just dope her up with your special blend of cocaine, toothpaste, and cocoa. (It still makes me laugh, how they came up with that particular mix of ingredients, of all the ones they could have chosen.) She'll be great in no time. :)
Good luck and keep us posted.
I hope she recover soon!
I hope she get well soon!
Take care of her.
Poor Xsara! Get well soon!
Poor Xsara - glad to hear the injury isn't anything too serious - though I'm sure keeping her quiet is the worst part. I think your vet's idea of having her spayed now is a good idea as well.
Xsara! We are so sad you got a toe hurt! Get well soon, I'm sure your Mum can keep you busy with tricks - that's what we do when I'm hurt, it's not so bad...Feel better soon!
Woofs, Johann
OWW Xsara! That has gotta hurt terribly! But you didn't even make a fuss nor complain about the pain. Now, that's what I call a pro! Well, you can do some lying down tricks like putting 'head down' or 'go to sleep/take a nap' tricks? Heehee! Those don't require you to use your back legs or even stand up too much. I hope your poor nail part there heals up but the nail may take some time to grow back though.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Xsara! I hope you get well soon!
Love and licks
Good vibes to Xsara! I hope she gets well soon.
I am sure everything will go well with her surgery. Don't worry. I will be thinking of you!
Kisses and hugs
ouch! can't imagine how painful is that...coz i struggle alot even when someone wanted to trim my nail...
rest tight xsara... hope you recover fast from your spaying surgery...
agility is waiting for you there...
Hi Xsara,
Sorry to hear about your injury and hope that you recover quickly. We guess it will be hard for you to keep it qiet for two weeks as you are such an active doggy.
Jazz and Dixie
Oh no! We just now saw this! Poor little Xsara! I've torn my dew claw and that hurt like crazy! I think you'd be smart to go ahead and have her spayed - get all that "having to rest" stuff over with!
Get well wishes from all of us!
Tail wags,
Thank you all for your get well wishes - we'll keep you posted!
Oh poor Xsara ... now that sounds like an ouchy!! I hope you heal quickly! Sending lots of well wishes your way!!
Luvs ya!
Best wishes to our talented beagley friend! I'm sorry to hear about the injury and I do agree now is probably a good time for her spaying.
It's not fun taking a pup in for surgery though. I just took Diesel to have his teeth cleaned this morning and it's scary that they have to be put under. But all will go perfectly for you and Xsara and you'll be back having fun in no time!
For now enjoy all the snuggles :)
I audited Silvia's novice/open seminar this Saturday in Cincinnati. It was totally worth the long long drive. She's so inspirational and kind! When I introduced myself to her I told her I discovered her through my beagle blogging friends Xsara and Barby!
La is amazing as well. I took a funny photo with the three of us but cut off La's nose! I wish I would have taken the photo again.
Hope you are feeling better soon, Xsara!
Take care,
Jackie, Diesel, and Marvin
I have just started a blog for my beagle, Cony.
I would like you to visit it.
Nice blog!! Beutiful Xsara!!
Bye - bye!!
P.D.: Sorry for my english, i am from Argentina
Bummer! At least she has a stylish shoe and not some dorky looking one. Quality snuggle time sounds pretty good to us! Hope you're feeling better soon.
The FleasGang
Me so sorry you hurt your toe. I did that one time too and I hated not being qable to do anything but the Mommy, Sarah, cuddled with me while the boys were playing & it wasn't so bad after all cause i got the Mommy to myself.
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