Xsara is an incredibly friendly dog, but if there's one thing she hates, it's probably vets. Well, she doesn't really hate the vet, she just hates his office. So the whole thing was very scary for her.
First we did the pre-anesthesia test, which showed that all of her organs are working properly. The most important organs for the anesthesia are liver and kidneys, which process the medications. The vet asked me if I wanted to be in the surgery during the operation, but I didn't think it was a good idea since he couldn't administer any sedatives to me.

Anyway, I was able to take her home as soon as she woke up. She was very cold, sick and terrified and she wouldn't stop shaking. I wrapped her into all of the blankets I could find and cuddled her until she felt safe again. I was kind of questioning my decision, but having her spayed was the right thing to do.
The next day she felt a lot better, and keeps improving every day. She's still sleeping a lot, but when she's awake she's all over the place. It's so hard to keep her calm, she just doesn't know when to stop until she is so tired I have to carry her to bed and then she falls asleep right away. I feared she wouldn't want to go to the vet ever again, but we went for her check up yesterday and she even wagged her tail when the vet gave her a treat. They will remove the stitches on Tuesday, we can't wait to get rid of the satellite over her head!

Oh, it was hard to read this post! I can just imagine how hard this ordeal was on you, as well as on Xsara who really didn't know what was happening to her at all. It's a little how I felt when I took Diesel in on Monday to get his teeth cleaned ... I worried about the anesthesia even though he passed his pre-test fine, it's just scary having them put under. But I worried more about him being scared and confused.
Interesting that the vet asked if you wanted to be there for the procedure. I don't think I could have seen it happen either but it would have been nice to sit there with closed eyes holding a paw in a way. I don't think our vet would offer that option, but I don't know.
I'm SOOO glad you have the hard part behind you now and Xsara is well on the road to recovery. Doing the little tricks is such a good idea since she loves them and it's normal for her.
Thank you for keeping us updated!
Lots of love
Oh no Xsara!! I hope you are getting lots of rest (and extra cuddles & kisses from mommy!). I was spayed last year and I was so tired the day I came home ... but then the next day I was jumping around like a ball of energy!! I hope you have a speed recovery and get back to your tricks real soon!
Luvs ya!
I'm glad to read that the operation went well.
Take care, rest as much as you need Xsara.
That was very brave of both of you. It's not easy putting your trust in someone to take care of your little beastie. It sounds like XSara is well on the road to recovery and will be back at her old tricks in no time :-)
Have a great weekend.
The Fleas
Glad to hear that everything went well!
Sure she will be like new in no time!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Glad to hear that it went well. Xsara sure is full of energy, isn't she? Have a good rest, Xsara!
Good to hear that the operation went well and that Xsara's toenail is also healing. Its hard to keep an active dog still even in such circumstances. We also wanted to say thanks for your advice on our recent post. We will be trying out all the ideas suggested in the hope that we can get old Jazz back.
Jazz and Dixie's Mum
Oh Xsara, glad to know everything went well! It's normal when the dog or cat shivers & looks disoriented after waking up from anesthesia. It's very normal so not to worry...I wonder why soooo many vets use injection instead of gas? Even in my co0untry, many vets use injection. My hoomans prefers if they used gas becoz it is not as dangerous as the injection. My hoomans are gonna find a vet who uses gas only before they get me spayed too. Noooo!!! But it's not so soon. Me gonna have a litter of pups 1st in a few months time, oh yeah! But I hate my husband! Anyway, heal up fast okay Xsara? In no time, you'll be back into action again!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pee/s: Better delete that Virus Protection comment becoz it's actually a virus. Don't click it too!
we tends to call that the astroNUT outfit... haha...
glad to hear that u're doing well after the surgery, despite u tends to sleep more often...
i got spayed too early, so i can't really recall the experience...but heard that ms owner is having a breakfast while the vet operate on me....hmm
Hi Xsara!
I´m glad to hear that everything went well! Have a good rest!
I'm so glad all went well with the op - the after effects of the aneasthetic are so terrible to see though. Sending hugs to little Xsara.
So glad that Xsara's surgery went well. She will be back to normal in no time.
P.S. My older beagle hates the Vet office too!
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