The past two days were very full of events in our house. And Xsara was equally very full. I had some errands to run on Tuesday and Xsara was home alone for the entire morning. Somehow she managed to steal my backpack from the top of the closet, open it and eat the entire 0,5 kg bag of dog treats (1.1 lbs). She was so full that she could barely scratch her ears! I took her for a long slow walk, gave her water to drink and called the vet who said it was too late to make her throw it up. So I had to give her some cream and milk to cause the diarrhea. Yesterday I took her to the seaside for a very long walk and her tummy seams about normal size now. And would you say the little furry thief felt full or regretful about her actions? Of course not - she even had the nerves to beg for food when I was eating a yoghurt!
And it totally slipped my mind the other day: we had a "4fun" trial on Sunday. Since it wasn't an official thing we ran in the "open" cathegory (levels 2 and 3 combined) and were 3rd. I was very pleased since the two dogs who placed higher both run on the 3rd level, which is for the pros. So I think we did quite OK.

Oh, notty notty Xsara! Your stomach must have been exploding after eating the whole bag of treats! I'm glad you did not have a tummy ache nor too much gas. I hope you've released it all this morning, heehee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Third place is great! Especially since you were up against some stiff competition. Glad your belly is feeling better :-)
The FleasGang
Congrats on placing 3rd! Sorry to hear about Xsara's tummy troubles - but how could she resist eating all those treats?! I bet I would do it too...
Love Clover xo
hey xsara, u shld teach me d open the backpack trick too...
usually a dog pawty is the only place where i can eat until my tummy nearly exploded, becoz i will be non-stop begging for food the entire night...
n then i will suffer for 2 days...don't even feel like running or jumping @ all...burp!
but i don't regret eating that much too....!!
Oh Xsara, that's really naughty of you. Were you that hungry?
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