Xsara is an incredibly friendly dog, but if there's one thing she hates, it's probably vets. Well, she doesn't really hate the vet, she just hates his office. So the whole thing was very scary for her.
First we did the pre-anesthesia test, which showed that all of her organs are working properly. The most important organs for the anesthesia are liver and kidneys, which process the medications. The vet asked me if I wanted to be in the surgery during the operation, but I didn't think it was a good idea since he couldn't administer any sedatives to me.

Anyway, I was able to take her home as soon as she woke up. She was very cold, sick and terrified and she wouldn't stop shaking. I wrapped her into all of the blankets I could find and cuddled her until she felt safe again. I was kind of questioning my decision, but having her spayed was the right thing to do.
The next day she felt a lot better, and keeps improving every day. She's still sleeping a lot, but when she's awake she's all over the place. It's so hard to keep her calm, she just doesn't know when to stop until she is so tired I have to carry her to bed and then she falls asleep right away. I feared she wouldn't want to go to the vet ever again, but we went for her check up yesterday and she even wagged her tail when the vet gave her a treat. They will remove the stitches on Tuesday, we can't wait to get rid of the satellite over her head!