We had a 4Fun trial a couple of weeks ago and Xsara won the open cathegory, making me very proud. Then yesterday we had a trial in Austria. Our first run was pretty bad because I forgot the course (it happens) so we got a refusal and knocked the long jump, but the second run (agility) was great, all contacts were super and even though the course was very difficult we were 2nd, so overall we finished on 5th place (but only missed 2nd place for 1 point). Not bad at all, specially since we haven't competed in so long. We have a lot of trials in the next weeks as well, plus some rally-obedience trials and a herding test for Tani, so we're super busy. Here are some pictures from Austria:

... we also filmed some of Tani's new tricks:
... and went to the seaside again:

Why am I a workaholic when it comes to my dogs? Because of this look in their eyes! When it comes to learning new things, they both get green sparkly eyes and wag their tails passionately - and I'm crazy about that :)

Tani and Xsara are doing great, they are still very good friends and I have no problems taking them everywhere with me. I thought I would have more problems getting Tani used to competitions (a lot of dogs, people and sounds), but she was totally fine and acted like a pro :) Xsara is constantly regaining muscles as Tani keeps her very busy, so she is in a very good shape now (but they are currently both on hyper calories diet). Will post again as soon as I have more time! Thanks to everyone for your comments, I always appreciate them.
It's so good to read about your activities - we've missed the updates! Xsara must be very happy to be trialing again - the action shots are awesome! Tani is getting so big and you're doing an amazing job with her! Glad to know things are going well!
We've missed you! The girls look like they're doing really well. That first picture of Xsara is inCREDible! She's FLYING!
Play bows,
wow, the action shots are amazing! Capturing Xsara in mid flight! She sure can fly. And Tani has grown!! She's such a clever pup!
Licks and Wags
TUffy & the Dog WOods Pack
Tank woo fur the pawesome pupdates!
I'm soooooo furry glad to see all of woo are doing well!
The pikhs were soooo khool too!
Gee whizz...
Ya sure know how ta make a fellow feel stupid.......yeah...Gram said she's sendin' Toby on over ta ya fer a couple months ta see if ya can do anythin' ta make 'em walk in a straight line instead of weavin' like a nut case....so where do ya live.....what 's yer address ???? Hum, we'll wait ta hear from ya....
Dewey Dewster here....
You are the best trainer with the best students!
Kisses and hugs
Your girls are brilliant! The action shots are amazing. We really love reading about their fun and seeing the videos.
love & wags,
It's great to see other doggies having fun. We keep our Mom busy running around and having fun with us. Keep up the good work!
Congrats Xsara for winning the open category! Good job! Tani is looking really more adorable by the day!
I've become totally horrible with visiting everyone's blog, don't worry!
Thanks for the update on the girls, they look great, Tani is really coming on, she's adorable and the action shots of Xsara are just beautiful, LOVE that top one of her in flight!
Have a great weekend guys :D
Slobbers xx
Wow! Tricks Video number three! Little girl, you're learning wayyy too fast! Slow down. Hehe! I just love the way you did the heel positions. You're like glued to your Mom's legs. Nice!
Solid Gold Dancer
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