Yes, she's here and she's one funny little girl. We all have fallen in love with her right away. Xsara is a great sister, they sleep together in my bed and she even lets Tani near her food bowl, so she really took me by surprise. They look very cute together. Xsara is very careful when they play and lets her gently know if she gets too much into her face. Tani is totally fascinated by Xsara's tail so she likes to walk behind Xsara and watch it as it goes left and right.

One word to describe Tani best would be fast. Everything she does is speedy! She is always alert, looking around and listening to every little sound. She loves to run and play and she adapts very well on new surroundings. Everyone who will stop to admire her will get a big wet kiss. But in her heart she decided right away that she only belongs to me, so she follows me everywhere. She is always eather behind my back on between my legs, like a little duckling.

We try to take her to as many places as possible as pyrenean shepherds need a lot of socialisation at a very young age. In the night she literally falls asleep (she tries to be awake for as long as she can, until she drops on the floor with a big smile on her face). So we're really really busy. But at least she sleeps all night long, she only needs occasional potty breaks and goes right back to sleep. But during the day she really doesn't sleep much, so again I don't have much time for the internet. I'll try to do better and write more regularly, I promise!

Oh....Barbie! She's so beautiful!! Happy to see puppy pictures, happy to see Tani is settling in and happy to see Xsara is being a great big sister to her :o)
We'll call back often but you have your hands full....we understand!
Take care xx
Tani is so adorable! Congratulations! We're so glad that Xsara likes her and that they are getting along so well! I never stopped during the day when I was a puppy either, so mom can relate to how busy you are! We selfishly hope that you do have time to post photos and videos, though, so we can watch Tani growing up!
She's beaWOOOOOtiful!
I bet they are such a blast to watch too!
I wish I khould show her MY fluffy tail!
Awwww.... what a cutie!!
That little darling is going to be a handful! We can't wait to see her grow!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Wow! Hello there Tani! She's uber adorable! Congratulations!n We can't wait to hear more about her adventures...
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
she is very beautifull , congratullations.
I wish you the best of luck.
Oh man, she's awesome! Her markings are so cool. We love how her little pink tongue is sticking out as she sleeping from exhaustion :-)
Congrats to you Xsara for getting a little sis!!
Shelly & Tommy
She's an absolute doll! We're so happy to hear the girls are doing so well together - what FUN!!!
Tail wags,
Welcome Tani!
Glad to know Xsara and her ara getting along so well.
Kisses and hugs
Tani is adorable! What a sweetie Xsara is to her little sister!
Xsara looks like a giant! Very pretty colors on the new baby. It will be so interesting to watch her grow!
love & wags,
LOL, I thought you were probably very busy with your new puppy. I remember being able to blog only when puppy Kharma was sleeping in my lap as I sat at the keyboard.
Tani is adorable!
Welcome Tani! She is SO adorable, and I bet you are having lots of fun together. Happy to hear that Xsara likes her too. :)
Love Clover xo
She is way to cute!! congratulations!!!Diana
Čestitke za novo družinsko članico:))
she is adorable!
It is so cute lilte creature. You need to be good big sister and teach her all the manners.
Welcome Tani
-Lenni, Vekku & Ressu
What a cute little girl! Good to hear that Xsara is turning out to be a good big sister for Tani.
No wonder you've been busy. Tani is a cutie!
yay! another pyr shep!
i can't wait to see her grow up!!!
she is seriously cute...
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