We had another vet appointment yesterday. Her blood work and ultrasound are a lot better, but some parts of her intestines are still inflamed. She cannot digest processed food well, so we will probably have to cook for her. We can try different brands of kibbles and cans to see if there is any formula that suits her, at least for our shows abroad it would be a lot easier. It will be a little complicated, but with the right diet she'll be totally fine. We just need to find out what the right diet for her is, and that might take a while. It seems like she's always had sensitive digestion, so it's not stress related. I never considered her to be under stress, so this diagnosis makes sense to me. I'll be more than happy to learn how to cook for her, if that will make her feel better.

We can slowly start to include our normal routines back into our life. Since her intestines are still a little inflamed, we will start in baby steps. We will go to a trial as spectators on Saturday, where she'll be able to see her friends. But we won't stay there for too long. I also ordered a theraball DVD to learn some easy exercises that will help her to regain muscles before going back on course. And after consulting with our vet I also decided to try an Ayurvedic medicine that is supposed to help with digestion. When we will go back to training, I will reward with tug games and balls more than food, and I will try out some home made treats recipes that will be even more tasty, easy on her digestion and chicken free, as she is allergic to poultry. If you have any recipes to share, please let us know. We would really appreciate it!
My furiends in Louisiana
have a mom that khooks fur them! MayaMarie khouldn't tolerate any khommercial khanine food so their mom took matters into her own human paws!
Hi guys!
I am glad to hear that Xsara is feeling a little better now - I hope you are able to find the right food quickly, so that you can get back to normal.
My mom has made a few different kinds of treats for me, so we will look to see if we have any good recipes to pass on to you. No chicken, but is there anything else that you know is bad?
Love Clover xo
Good luck to Xsara! We're glad she's feeling better!
Play bows,
Awww..Xsara...I'm glad you are feeling a bit better....I bet your personal chef will cook yummy things for you!
Love & Licks,
It's good to know Xsara is feeling some better! My Mommy makes peanut butter biscuits & veggie biscuits for me. Go here for the veggie biscuits: http://www.prestonthepuggle.com/?p=321
Go here for the peanutbutter biscuits:http://prestonthepuggle.com/wp/?p=156
I hope Xsara enjoys them as much as I do! (Note from Mommy: I don't cook them as long as the recipe calls for so they will be soft & I keep them in the refrigerator.)
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
It is taking time but sure she will be like new soon!This link has lots of recipes for dog treats. I hope you can find some to bake for Xsara.
Kisses and hugs
We are sooo happy that you are keep getting better and better!
My mom is not a cook at all, but she wishes that she could help sweet Xsara.
We hope she has fun visiting with her friends. It must be tough not being able to run and play like she once could. But we know that she will be back at it soon!
Glad to hear Xsara is getting better. Wish I have some good recipes to share but I don't cook for my dog though. Will be glad to let you know if I do come across some healthy and wholesome recipes for XSara
Hi Xsara....no cooking for us either i'm afraid, we're on a raw food diet! But we do have a couple of recipes for you....at the bottom of our sidebar there's a recipe for Liver Cake, you can also make it with any kind of mince (even vegetable puree) or tinned fish. There's eggs in it though, are you allergic to those too as they're from poultry?
Oh, and you just made our Mum remember she has a bottle of Ayurvedic stuff, supposed to make her relax....hmm, we'll see!
Good luck with the diet!
Love, slobbers and a very Merry Christmas xx
Thank dogness that Xsara is going to be OK. It must be frustrating for her though to not be able to be as active as she is accustomed too. We hope you can find a diet that suits her so you can get back to competition.
Shelly & Tommy
It's great that she is almost well. I know she'll enjoy visiting with her friends at the trial. A number of doggies are allergic to chicken so there should be stuff on the Internet you can use. At least things are working and you know you are on the right track. Keep getting better, sweet Xsara! We are sending happy beagle thoughts to you.
love & wags,
We freeze up portions of Jake's (mostly raw) diet in two-to-three week batches and defrost the next day's food every night. We have lots of weekends (and longer) away but we always need a fridge! You'll get into the swing of things, truly you will. It *is* worth it for the health improvements and the lack of allergic reactions.
Sorry, no inspired recipes... I'm sure others will help.
Gus n Jake
It's great to hear that Xsara is recovering well. Hope that you'll be able to find the right food that agrees with her.
How are ya doing so far girl?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Xsara, recepte od piskotov sem jaz ravno zadnjic dala na Lunin blog, lahko ti jih dam pa prej za probat, jih ravno pecem za darila.
Gee Xsara.....yer havin' a really rough time of it....we sure hope ya find somethin' good ya can eat and digest soon....we're sorry we don't know any good recipes...the GS who has the digestion problem gets pancreatic enzymes sprinkled on his food so he can digest it....hope... ya can eat some goodies fer Christmas
Dewey Dewster here....
Xsara, have a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year!
Good thing she's already feeling better. Here's an e-card for Xsara, http://www.petcentric.com/crittercarols/?DCMP=RAC-PETC-DogTm-Carol08&HQS=Blog. Happy Holidays!
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce
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