Happy Holidays everyone! Apparently Xsara was a good girl this year, so Santa left her something under the tree. Her gifts were ordered from our favourite online store for agility enthusiasts :) She knew it was for her right away, so she jumped on the package and started to unwrap it - with our cat closely monitoring her every move. With one move she opened the gift and the baggy of natural treats for active dogs, so the treats fell out of the baggy and it took us some time to clean up the mess. Then we proceeded with the other present: a tug toy with real rabbit skin. She went crazy over it, so this year Santa really got her the most perfect presents ever. We also celebrate New Year in Slovenia, so next week we're expecting another nice old man with a bag of gifts. We call him Dedek Mraz (Grandpa Cold).

Today we had a very relaxing morning after a real drama. Xsara's sister Sena ran away two days ago, chasing an animal in the woods. We spent an entire day looking for her, we even went there in the middle of the night in case we would be able to hear her in the silence. Xsara helped us as much as she could, but she got very nervous in the woods so after a while we took her home and went to continue searching for her ourselves. We were soooo worried about Sena, it's really cold outside and she had been out for 24 hours! But then her people called us and told us that someone found her and saw a poster of her missing, so she was reunited with her family on Christmas Eve. She is very tired, but otherwise she's fine. I hope Santa gets her a GPS device so she won't get lost again :)
Wishing you and all those you love, a very Merry Christmas!
Glad to hear that Sena was found! Lucky girl! Merry Christmas! Hope you get loads of droolsomely delicious foodies & lots of hugs & kisses too!
Very happy,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh thank goodness about Sena! And Xsara looks GREAT!!! I cooked for my dogs for 12 years, but no complicated recipes to share. Just a mix of rice, meat and mostly green, leafy vegetables, supplemented with vitamins and minerals... It's great to see Xsara looking so healthy!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
wags from Patience and the whippets
So glad to see she's been found!
Happy HOWLidays!
We are soooo happy that Sena was found safe and sound!
Merry Christmas Xsara!
Merry Christmas, Xsara and Barby! And we're sooooo glad Sena is home, safe and sound!!!
Hi, friends!
Glad to know Sena was found! That must be scary!
Happy Holidays!
Kisses and hugs
that's is a good news!
have a great holiday season Xsara!
licks and kisses,
So glad Sena was found, I would go crazy if one of mine have to go missing!
Tell me more about the tug-toy with real rabbit skin...? Where did you order it from? Am sure Emma&Levi would also LOVE something like that. :)
Glad you had a nice Xmas, Beagle wags from SA.
Merry Christmas Xsara! Glad to know Sena is ok!
Merry Christmas and happy new year!! me glad all is well now :)
warmest wishes
Dear Xsara....we hope you had a delicious Christmas! Looks like you got some very cool gifts, Santa always knows just what to get, mm? Does Dedek Mraz also bring gifts? Have a great New Year too! Glad Sena was found, how worried you must all have been! (Alfie does this to us OFTEN!!)
Slobbers xx
Hey Xsara...
We see ya had a great holiday after all the excitement of yer sister gettin' lost.....it's so good that she was found safe 'n sound....hope ya get a nice gift on New Years from Dedek Mraz (Grandpa Cold)....'n we hope yer gift is warm too.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi Xsara,
good to hear you had a good Christmas and that Sena was found and returned safe and sound to her family. We didn't know about Derek Mraz - always good to hear about other customs.
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