We have absolutely no idea why this happened! But she is very pain tolerant and it's most likely that her tummy has been bothering her for quite a while and she didn't show it to us (apart from occasionally throwing up saliva after eating notable amounts of corn in the field, but I'm quite sure that's a normal reaction). The whole thing is weird because she is not stressed out and she NEVER got any medications that are known to cause ulcer (Rymadyl, Medrol, Aspirin ...). Some vets think it's possible that my absence set it off, specially if she had a pre-existing condition (if that was more of a stress than we thought) - or it could simply be bacterial. We honestly don't know at this point. But the main thing right now is for her to recover fast and be her happy, carefree self again.
Poor Xsara... we are so very sad that you are still sick.
We would do anything that we could to make you better and happy again.
At least your vet knows how to treat her. We know she will respond and get better.
We will continue to keep our in our prayers.
All of our paws are crossed for a quick recovery.
Mom, we know its hard not to worry right now. Please take care of yourself. She needs you healthy.
Addie, Zoe and Staci
Oh Xsara, what happened to you? Things really can happen for no reasons. Wish we could do something to help but we live too far away. All we can do now is just hope for the best that you'll get better soon!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I will be snuggling for Xsara! Get well soon!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Eduardo's snuggles are powerful! We should know! We'll be sending healing thoughts and many many hugs to you all. Xsara has such a zest for life--it will be great to see her feeling well again--which we hope is very soon!
love & wags,
River's family
Well, it's good to have the diagnosis. Paws crossed for a swift recovery. Get well Xsara. G&J
Oh Xsara, we hope you feel better soon!
Sending you lots of Beagle hugs,
The Dughallmor gang xx
I was thinking that maybe she was stressed when you went away.
Paws crossed for her!
Kisses and hugs
After I read your first post, the first thing I thought was an ulcer after reading about La.
Johann has a very sensitive stomach, and can't take any pain meds at all, they all hurt his stomach - couldn't take them through his broken foot or muscle pull. He hides his pain well too. Now we use Traumeel pills and whenever he has pains it helps him a lot with pain and no stomach upset at all.
It's so difficult to see your 'kids' in pain. Hang in there, I know you are strong.
We are thinking a lot about you two, and sending lots of good vibes and prayers to you and Xsara that this all clears up soon and easily.
Leslie and Johann
Ohhh no, I hope this is just a bump on the road to recovery. I hope she didn't get into any moldy corn out there... :(
Xsara, what a barkin' shame that you are so sick! I will be keeping my paws crossed too that you feel better soon. :) Rest well and dream of chasing rabbits. ;) Don't know if you like rabbits but my beagle cousins sure love to play chase with them. :) I will be thinking of you and your family.
Puppy kisses,
We're sorry, Xsara, to hear that you are still sick and have an ulcer. But now you know what it is for sure and they can give you the proper treatment to make you better real soon! We're thinking about you every day......
Poor Xara, hope you feel better soon!
Still keeping paws crossed for her here!
-Taru and beagle trio
Hope you start to feel better real soon, Xsara. There are frisbee's to be caught and mountains to climb and rivers to swim in. So hurry up and get better :-)
I hope things start to improve soon for you. I'm still supremely confident that Xsara will be running around and inspiring us all with tricks before you know it. :)
Oh Xsara, get well soon! Hugs to you! Will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Oh Xsara, we are sending all our very best miracle whippet best get well wishes, and we're sending thoughts of comfort to your mom, too.
get well wags from the whippets
Never nice to hear bad news, and especially sad that our Beagle friend is sick and in pain. Thinking of you constantly and hope Xsara will be bouncing around, healthy and happy, soon soon soon!
Lotso luv & hugs from Beagles Emma&Levi.
So sorry to hear that Xzara is sick. It must be hard on both of you as she is such an energetic happy dog usually. We are thinking of you and sending beagle get well vibes your way.
Oh Xsara, I am so sorry you are not feeling well and it took me so long to get over here. Please feel better soon - I am thinking good thoughts for you and sending some puggy hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo
Oh no, we are so sorry she is still poorly. We will be thinking of her.
Get well soon sweet Xsara.
Gee Xsara....
We're sorry yer still not feelin' well...but we're sendin' healin' thoughts fer ya all the way across the big sky and pond too....hope ya feel better soon....no doggie should have ta suffer with an ulcer....that's fer people....GET WELL SOON....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Poor baby! We hope having a diagnosis is the beginning of her recuperation. Maybe your next post will be about our favorite beagle girl feeling better. Our thoughts are with you both. --pogonip and kharma
Hi Barby, we've been wondering how Xsara is doing.....is she getting better? Hope so, slobbers xx
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