Also, we finished the box of anti-vomiting medications two days ago, and she hasn't thrown up since she's off pills. Hopefully she will continue to feel better and better, now that we definitely know that the meds are working properly.
Thanks to everyone sending us positive vibes, we are very grateful for all your messages of comfort. Currently I don't have much time for blogging, but will visit all of your blogs to thank you individually as soon as I can.
We also have a treat for all agility freaks: Xsara is on the official Slovenian agility calendar again, this year she is miss September. The calendar is made by the staff of Agility Portal Slovenije.

Update: We just got the test results for ehrlichiosis from the Faculty of Medicine. They test two blood samples using two different methods. Both results were negative, so Xsara does not have ehrichiosis!

Hey Miss September......congratulations on the brown poos! Phew, what a relief, were were worried about ya girl!
Slobbers xx
Oh that's so cool! She can really jump! I'm so glad she is feeling better! I'm going to continue to snuggle for Xsara & Mommy is still praying!
BIG Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
River sent us over to paw some good vibes to woo, Xsara. It is nice to read today's more pawsitive report. All the best to woo for a quick and good recovery.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are soooo very happy that you are doing better!!!
Congratulations on being miss September! That is a wonderful month!
Addie and Zoe
Don't worry about spending time blogging - spend it allllllll with dear Xsara!!
Continued healing wishes-
Patience and the whippets
Xsara looks great in the calendar!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm glad you are starting to feel better. You sure have your mamma worried. And congrats on your calendar photo! That is an awesome photo.
I'm really glad to hear that things are moving in a positive direction for you and Xsara.
I hope you're feeling better soon, Xsara! I've loved looking over your pics and agility stuff!
Dear Xsara and Barby,
We're so glad to hear that you are feeling better, Xsara. We're sorry we've been away from you and our blogging friends for so long. Everything was getting in the way. When we read your posts we felt bad about the bad news but right away good about the good news!
Also congratulations on being "Miss September"! You make us beagles proud!
Wags and roos,
Diesel and Marvin
We've just been getting caught up with everything! Glad Xsara is starting to feel better! Please know that she (and Barby) are in our prayers!!!
congrats on the calendar!!!
It's always great to see poo you could serve to the queen. ;-) Glad you're feeling better, Xsara.
I was visiting River and he mentioned that you were not feel too good. I wanted to let you know that I am hoping and praying that you get better real quick. Keep getting better each day.
River told us about Xsara not feeling well. I am sending her many many healing purrs and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Sometimes when cats have upset tummies, the VETs recommend baby food. It is gentle on the stomach.
Purrrrrrrrrrrss for Xsara to feel all better soon.
So relieved to hear that! Keep getting better, Xsara! And congrats for being in the calendar!
SO glad ta hear Xsara is feelin' many doggies are under the weather must be catchin'....hope she continues ta improve....
Dewey Dewster here....
yay for the good news! Hope Xsara is 100% again soon. So pawesome that she is famous again!
Love Clover xo
Hey Xsara, we've been given an award today and would like to pass it on to you....come by our blog to pick it up when you've recovered!
Slobbers xx
That is great news. We are so pleased that Xsara is starting to get better.
We will continue sending our good thoughts and wishes for her.
Holly & Zac
Hello Xsara!
We would like to send you a holiday card. If you would like to receive one please send us your mailing address at
Thank you!
Addie and Staci
Hi Xsara
I'm glad that your tests were negative and you are starting to feel better. I will keep my paws crossed for you.
Congratulations on being Miss September. You are very agile.
Please try to come visit me once you are feeling better.
Love Ruby
So glad to hear the good news. Hope Xsara gets better soon. I have an award to cheer her up!
Just checking in and we are happy to hear that Xsara is getting better. Hope she is completely better very soon.
Thinking of you,
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