We've been very busy in the past few days, but unfortunately not in the way that we like being busy. Xsara got sick. She was throwing up, refused to eat and was walking around the house like she was scared of everything. Of course I took her to the vet. He said she must have eaten something bad and gave her antibiotics, something to prevent her from vomiting, something for the diarrhea, rehydration powder and some probiotic liquid to equilibrate intestinal flora. He also instructed to put her on an easy digestive diet, so I'm cooking her favourite horse-meat-risotto every day. Luckily I got a Summer job that allows me to work from my computer anywhere I am, so I can be with her 24/7. She's feeling a lot better now, her appetite is back to normal and her playfulness as well. We have the last check-up appointment with the vet today and if she is OK we will go to the seaside for a couple of days - but I'll still keep her on the diet, just to make sure.

I also have a good news: I was informed that we won a photo contest by
Red Dingo. I really love their products and as I had many nice pictures of Xsara wearing her RD collar, I mailed them. They will publish the photos in the next few days - and we will get to choose the reward by ourselves.

We had a trial on Saturday, when we still didn't know that she was sick. She was a little slower than usually, but I figured maybe she was hot and kept her in a cool place. She was still 2nd :) I have to say that the "reward on the rope" to improve tunnels (as the Finnish judge suggested) isn't working well for us. Guess what happens when there is no reward in the tunnel?! She entered the tunnel and almost got out, than turned back and went looking for the toy. We got one refusal and lost a lot of time, so I'm not using this method any more. I will still try with the "outrun me to the food" thing and let you know if it's working out.

If Xsara will be completely OK by Saturday, we will go to the trial in Portoroz. Portoroz is by the sea and it's very hot there, so this is a night trial. There are always many tourists so they organize some fun shows for them - there will also be frisbee and dog dancing shows, working dogs and more fun stuff. I will try to take some pictures and post them when we come back from the sea (we will be spending almost a week near Portoroz)!
So glad to hear that Xsara is recovering. Poor girl. Congrats on winning the photo contest. Xsara is very photogenic! All the best for your next trial.
Glad to know she's feeling lot better right now. Poor girl! Congrats on winning 2nd place & winning the photo contest! I know you'll do well on your next trial.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh, when BEAGLES don't eat it's a serious thing. Thank goodness she's feeling better. And still she won 2nd place what a trooper she is! That photo of her standing on the rock is magnificent.
love & wags,
Hi Xsara!
Hope you are feeling better now - I was so sorry to hear you were under the weather.
Good luck and have fun this weekend if you get out to your event!
Love Clover xo
There has been a rash of 'big d' around here, at the regionals and more...Gracie and I both had it a bit over the weekend. But we got over it very quickly. Glad Xsara is feeling better!
And congrats on the contest and 2nd!
Woofs, Johann
I hope Xsara gets well soon. We had some that 'Big D' at my house and my breeder's house a few weeks ago. We weren't as sick with it as Xsara was. Hope you get to go to your agility trials. It sounds like a lot of fun.
Poor Xsara...glad she's feeling better now. Congrats on winning the contest!
Congrats Xsara, sorry to hear you were sick and glad you feeling better. Get a speedy and full recovery for next trial!
Sorry you weren't feeling well, Xsara! I hope you're back up and running at full speed by now.
Congrats on the photo contest and taking second!
Play bows,
Glad to read that Xsara is getting well...congratulations on the contest.
Hey Xsara, not nice to be sick, glad you're feeling better and hope you'll be completely recovered by the time you have your trial. Good luck! The seaside and night trial sounds like fun! Enjoy!!
Beagle woofs,
Emma & Levi
Hi, Xsara!
Sure it was not fun to be sick! Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Paws crossed for your fully recovering soon!
Congratulations on the contest!
Kisses and hugs
Hope Xsara is 100% completely all better. I hate it when they're sick, it's so scary and sad.
Patience and the whippets
Thanks to everyone for speedy recovery wishes - Xsara is now completely fine and is sending a big wet kiss to everybody :)
great to hear that u are back to your prime health
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