This weekend was a lot better than the previous one! We had an agility trial in Slovenska Bistrica on Saturday and we were playing it a little more safe. We finished on the third place with two clean runs, but our times weren't as good as they could have been if I weren't so afraid of mistakes this time. However they (the times) weren't bad at all, so I was very happy with our performance. We also had luck with the weather, so we spent a really nice day with our agi-friends.
But today Xsara even surprised myself. We had a Rally-Obedience trial and I wasn't expecting anything at all, so I really wasn't nervous. Xsara worked very well and won the trial, even though there were 32 dogs in our cathegory (some of them incredibly good). We got 147 out of 150 points. Now I have to check out the exercises for RO-2 and if we know all of them we will probably try to pass the exam for the higher cathegory before the next trial (if we do pass it, we will be allowed to compete in RO-2 on our next trial).

Congratulations on the trial, Xsara! you did it!!!
When you have it, you have it...your mojo is intact!
WOW! Congratulations, Xsara! You and your human did GREAT!
Play bows,
Ah! it was great!!! I so wish I had someone to video us - zoomed in or not!
Congrats from the whippets
Hi, Xsara!
Congratulations on the trial! Your human said she did not expect anything... well... you got it!
Kisses and hugs
Xsara, I thought you were very very good! You were very enthusiastic about it, fast in response & always paying attention to your mom. Well done & congratulations! I bet after winning this trial, you're much more motivated about it now to work even harder & join more trials. Hehe! I wish Malaysia had Rally OB too. It looks sooo much funner than the normal strict Obedience. I'm sick of OB!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hip, hip hurray. 3 Cheers for Xsara!
Čestitke posebej za RO, za agility seveda tud, ampak to je itak že skor samoumevno, da si tam na stopničkah :)
Congrats on your third & first placings! I can't wait to do some agility and obedience trials! (Well, my mom can't wait. I probably can.)
Love Clover xo
Wow!! You guys are awesome! You make such a great name for us beagles! Thank you for posting the video. It was great to watch. We would love to try RO but the closest classes are miles and miles away so we haven't tried yet.
Are you allowed to use treats during a RO trial? Probably not, right?
Licks and wags,
Well Done Xsara and Barby!
That was some very nice Rally Obedience!
Both of my beagles have Rally titles here in the U.S., but I am not sure how they would perform outdoors!
that rally ob looks fun... congrate for your 1st placing.
next time u shld train gas how 2 use the equipment correctly yeah...
btw.. i'm drooling over your food prizes... is so huge!
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