The Belgian Shepherds World Championship is over and although it was fun, it was also very exhausting. But the week we've been waiting for has finally arrived! On Monday I went to pick up Sena who is staying with us for the entire week. I took the girls to agility and RO, and they both worked really well. Sena could already do a sequence of eight jumps, two tunnels and the teeter and Xsara also ran really fast. However they were really jealous when Daša let me run with Kate and they destroyed one of my transporters. I really have to find a way to keep them still while I work with another dog.

Running with Kate was absolutely awesome. I think I did quite well for the first time with a dog that really pulls ahead. She also worked very nicely in RO and so did Xsara. Since Polona wasn't feeling well she put me in charge of our class, meaning that I even got to play the instructor for a while :) So all in all, it was a very successful day.

The next day I decided to take the girls for a little trip. We wanted to go to the lake of Cerknica but ended up by the sea with Xsara's friend Ben and his Simona. Funny how that happened! We went for a walk and stopped for coffee, but unfortunately we couldn't stay more than a couple of hours because I had big plans for the evening: I decided to make another one of my childhood dreams come true so I picked up horse riding. And discovered that I am a natural at it! I know my life sounds a little bit like a fairy tale, but I worked really hard to get here and now I really need some time for myself. So tomorrow I'm taking the girls for a little hiking and then it's back to the stables. I haven't felt so good in a really long time!

It sounds like you guys had a fantastic day! Horse riding is also my mommy's dream however, she can't afford it. Horses are number 2 in her list. Used to be number 1 but we doggies ruled it. Hahaha!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Man, you all had a grrrrEAT day, eh?
My human Lizzy loves horses too... She would love to take up horse riding, and she does go riding once in a while, but we doggies are her main passion, hee hee. I snapped at a horse the last time I saw one. I thought it was a monster for a second... Heh heh.
Have a good night now,
i tried horse riding once... and it was great.. hope that i can take up a lesson after i start working and earning..
maybe horsy agility will be fun too...
See, who says dreams can't come true? :)
I'm sure you deserve it. Keep on chasing them!
Yes, always be grateful your dreams come true and it enjoy it!
We say "work hard, play hard!" You totally deserve to reward yourself!
Did Xsara get any coffee? I love it but my mom keeps saying "no"; something about it being bad for dogs. I want it sooooooo badly, though!
Play bows,
PS: Beautiful pictures!
So glad to see Xsara & you loving what you do! Have a good hike sweet dears! Kess
P.S. Glad you liked your Japanese name! Cheers, Mekuariari
What a great time for you all, hiking, horse riding and all, wish I could stay with you too :D
Amber~take care
It does sounds like you have been having a fun time! After a lot of hard work you deserve to enjoy every minute!
Love the picture with water in behind. :)
Love Clover xo
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