So two days ago, our group went to Planina for a couple of hours. We were three girls walking seven dogs - two BCs, two poodles, two beagles and a mutt. To be honest, I wasn't too happy about walking two beagles in the woods. Xsara didn't want to stick with the group and constantly walked a couple of steps away from us, and Sena also had some tendencies to go hunting. At one point Xsara even ran downhill to the stream, so that I had to climb in the precipice to get to her. So we decided to go somewhere more hounds-appropriate next week. We will probably go to Tolmin, which is one of the most beautiful parts of Slovenia (it's where they shot the film Narnia) and if the weather is nice we will also go to Nanos (on a different day, of course), which is a mountain on the way to the seaside and requires a little more climbing.

I think Kate probably enjoyed Planina the most. She found a little waterfall in the stream and she could have easily entertained herself for hours looking at it and trying to catch the water with her paws and her mouth. She was absolutely adorable :) Other dogs enjoyed water as well, except for the beagles who don't like swimming. They, however, enjoyed chasing Katka (one of the poodles) around a little pond that we found in the woods. So Sena and Xsara got their share of fun as well.

Yesterday we had agility - Xsara was fast, but made more mistakes than usually, so I wasn't too happy. But I guess, if you want to work on the speed in agility, you have to accept a greater share of mistakes as well. After all, we are both quite new in this field. She is an amazing little dog and running with her is my favorite thing in the world. Sena is also getting better and better. She is already jumping the normal height for A1/J1 and can do a normal sequence without the weaves, which she needs a couple of more trainings for. But when she'll be able to do the weaves, we can already take her to some trials. She probably won't compete regularly, but I think if she can do it, then why not. We have a trial tomorrow, and it's also team competition (our team this year is called Speedy Gonzales), so it will last very long. Sena is going with us because her people are not home yet, so I hope she won't get too bored while Xsara will have to rest between her runs.

We are resting today before the trial, we only have Rally-Obedience in the evening. The girls need some rest and so do I - I had horse-riding lessons every day for the past three days and I really didn't expect it to be such a difficult sport. But the instructor is extremely happy with me and I'll be allowed to ride alone on Sunday (after only three lessons). The picture of me on the horse is very bad quality because we didn't want to use the flash since the horse could get scared of it. His name is Falco - isn't he beautiful?
I'm also posting a couple of portraits of my little treasure from our walks: