However I noticed some behavioural changes since the operation. I don't think it's hormones, I think she just got so scared because of the procedure. She is very shy around other dogs and she is afraid to do something wrong. We are working on a new trick and when we start a lesson I have to encourage her a lot more than usually. I am more generous with rewards and I keep telling her she's the best and that she can't do anything I wouldn't like. This only lasts a couple of minutes and then everything is back to normal, the tail is wagging and she performs beautifully again. But then the next training session again, starts with her feeling insecure.
I try to encourage her as much as I can during the day, when I see her behaving bravely (I don't ignore the shyness but I try not to reward it too much either. When she gets shy I only use verbal encouragement if possible because I don't want her to think that I want her to be insecure). The progress is evident, we managed to really shorten these flashes of insecurity and hopefully they will disappear soon.
I'm taking her to the agility training on Monday, if she won't feel like

Another thing: I want to thank CollieMan for the beautiful post he's written and for the poster he made for Xsara (with the soccer ball). That was really nice of you, so thank you again :)

is great to hear that u are now back to training...
there's no need for a rush, i know you will be back in your confident self very soon...
Yay, no more e-collar! Good to know things are back to normal for you, Xsara!
Hi Xsara! I hope that everything come back to the normal and you can make your exercises without fear!
Hi, Xsara!
Yeah! No more headcone! I am sure everything will be normal for you very soon! Don't be shy! We all know you are the best!
Kisses and hugs
Glad to hear things are getting back to normal. I think it's to be expected that she's not quite up to her usual standard yet, but I'm sure that will come in good time.
I suspect that the "shyness" around other dogs is a self-preservation thing. As she has an injury, it's in her interests to not take chances with other dogs. Again, I'd bet that sorts itself out in time too.
As for the "beautiful post" - you two make it incredibly easy to say nice things! :)
Keep on tricking!
Thank DOG that the collar is finally off you! You must feel sooo much better but I wonder why you're not so confident as before? very strange indeed...But I think all will be back to normal if you keep playing Agility & doing lots of tricks becoz tricks helps to build your drive. I don't do any tricks before I start running but mommy commands me to bark becoz that really makes me wanna GO!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Glad to see xsara with the collar. Everything it's going to be right, don't worry.
Hey,come see the blog.missed ya.
I love your blog, all the pictures are wonderful. Ok, where did you find the little beagle curser? how cute!!
I'm so glad you're feeling better! And no more lampshade! Ha rooooooo!
I'm sure you'll get over the shyness thing. Trust your moma, Xsara! She loves you.
Play bows,
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