It's official - people are crazy! I riecently found a German blog in which some of the readers were discussing Xsara's videos. My knowledge of German language is next to nothing, but I think one of the readers accused me of having Xsara under high doping mixture containing cocaine, cocoa and toothpaste! I've never heard anything more ridiculous in my life, anybody who knows me will tell you I'm even careful about giving her vitamins because I think her high quality dry food contains enough of them. And I certainly don't give her any sort of doping. I can't believe people can be so cruel, I don't even know this person! I love Xsara and I would never do anything to hurt her, if I thought agility or tricks were hurting her, I would stop doing them right away.
This accusation really made me sad and mad (smad?), because I am putting so much energy and work in Xsara's training. So I wrote an article about working with low motivated dogs. It can be found on Xsara's Forum. I will be adding more tips to the article and you can add things to if you have any ideas.

Oh my, that's just terrible! How can that person say such things like this when he/she have never met you, Xsara before? This is really ridiculous & uncalled for! I know you would never do that to Xsara. None of our hoomans do that to us! How dare this person say such thing...He/She doesn't even know how you train Xsara, gosh! If my mommy was you, she would have bombarded straight back at that person, right away! I'm just guessing this person has nothing else to say or probably is jealous of what Xsara can do. I don't see anything else why he/she would wanna say these things about you giving Xsara those stuff...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thank you Amber! I already wrote a response to her comment but unfortunately I don't speak German so I just hope their readers understand English. However the whole thing is really disturbing on several levels!
that's totally intolerable..i wonder what's in their mind..
do dog sport need to be polluted with doping scandal like the human's sport?.....
Do people seriously have nothing better to do than judge people (and dogs) they've never even met???
I know it's hard, but please, please try not to let that horrible blog post get to you. YOU know and WE know that it's flat out not true. Your successes are based on teamwork, mutual respect, and love, it's so very obvious!! I'm "smad" just reading that someone would post something so ridiculous! Agility and tricks very much enrich Xsara's life. You are a great dog mom.
Thank you so much for your advice regarding focus in agility on our blog. We had a very fun class last night, no videos though.
Looking forward to reading your article on working with low motivated pups.
Keep that tail high and wagging!
Jackie, Diesel, and Marvin
They are just jealous! How mean spirited those humoons are to spread such rumors. We know that is completely false.
Know your DWBers love ya'll and we would never believe anything but love stories.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud and wanting to bite those meanies.
That is just terrible. How can people be so cruel.. We know you would never do anything to harm Xsara. Keep up the good work...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
I don't know german either but I know many bad words in spanish for that mean people! jealuous I must say!
We all know how much you love Xsara!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Xsara,
Great blog. If you get a chance, check out my Beagle's blog. Lilibeth was a wonderful old Beagle.
I had to read this entry twice, to make sure it wasn't me who was doped up on cocaine, cocoa, and toothpaste!
Aside from it being the most surreal mix of ingredients I can imagine that anyone would conjure up as a doping mix, it's just a cold and cruel thing to even suggest.
Please, be assured that for every idiot that exists on the Internet, where, let's remember, people can say these things, shrouded in a degree of anonymity, you have a hundred eager fans, like me and several others, who know just how much effort you put into working with your dog.
You already know that I'm a big fan who is racing to catch you up, and so I shouldn't need to say this, but you just keep on doing what you're doing and don't give these idiots another minute of your time.
P.S. Would it be rude to mention the t-shirt? :)
Xsara, we gave you an award! Come by our blog and check it out!
We think you're super and we don't care what those other peepoles say!!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella
Sorry for not posting earlier - I've been uber busy lately, sorry!
With regards to their accusation, I actually laughed when I first read it since it was so absurd!
Don't let it get to you. Treat it as....humour.
Keep smiling, the both of you! :D
Pete and the gang
That is so sad. Happens to us all the time. People are just jealous, that's all. Someone wise told my Mum something once. "When you get to the top, someone is always trying to knock you down." Explains a lot....Don't worry about it, people will always talk...
But I'm still sad for you that it happened, but you are in good company - many other great teams! :)
Woofs, Johann
i know Barbara and Xsara for a long time and i must say, that Barbara rely is a bitch. I saw her drug her dog and she also want drug my dog to. Can you believe?? and she beat Xsara to. she is quite crazy, everything to be famous. yust yoking!
she is amazing person who made a great dog from stubborn beagle.
send kisses to Xsara from Ben
Thank you, everyone!
Benetton and Ellie's "owner" (I think Ellie owns you and not the other way around) - your comments really made me laugh LOL.
Anyway, we have a big surprise comming up hopefully tomorrow, I'm very excited to share it with you :)
Thank you again, I really appreciate what all of you said,
hug your dogs, B&X
o and i forgot to tel you, that I am afraid of her. once she try to hit me by a car, because i sad that i am going to be more famous than she.
i can help myself. That is funny, inventing how crazy Barbara could be.
Hi again, Thank you so much for visting Candi's site and also leaving a message. I have added a link for you site, hope you don't mind. Take care and keep up with the good training.
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