As promised, I'm going to tell you more about our vacation. We went to Strunjan which is on the Slovenian coast. Our boyfriend's family has a house there, just above the salt pans. The weather was perfect, about 12°C (in Ljubljana it's about -2°C right now). We had no TV and no computer so no distractions - we just walked for hours and hours and I'm so glad we got to spend so much quality time together. I also started teaching Xsara two new tricks, so I think we'll film the part 3 of her tricks very soon. I was kind of happy that it started raining the day we had to go back home, otherwise it would be so hard to say goodbye. But we did miss agility a lot so in a way it's good to be home. We have a presentation of agility on the biggest dog expo in Ljubljana (CACIB Tromostovje) on Sunday. I hope we will find a way to participate since I have to work Sundays.

Sounds like a very nice place to be Xsara, and not having any of the modern amenities can be quite refreshing.
I was surprised when I first saw you mentioned that it was 'warm' at 12C - until I realised that it was more than 10C warmer than your hometown, which is a big difference!
I am useless in the cold. 12C and I'm already wearing my down jacket! :(
Sounds like you guys had a great time over there.
I wanna see the new tricks.
Good luck in the agility race on expo.
Ze po opisanem sodec ste se imeli fajn :o) Mi smo bili 22.12. in je bilo tudi super, Luna je ful uzivala.
Xsari je dedek Mraz nekaj pustil pod smrekco! Se lahko vidimo tudi, ce gresta kaj trenirat na Ilirijo pa tja prineseva.
Xsara, I can't wait to watch your new tricks video! I wonder what's the other two tricks you've learned. Hey, I've learned a new one too & it's called 'Pee' trick. Hahaha! I'm supposed to lift my leg like the male dogs do to pee(but no peeing ofcourse) but somehow I can't support my leg high enuf so it just looks like I'm limping. Oh nevermind! I still haven't mastered it but will soon. Mommy has stopped teaching me the 'limp' trick becoz I was having difficulties trying to do so. It's not easy to do these stuff when you're heavy like me...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
can't wait 2 see ur video on ur new trick...
hope u enjoy ur vacation..
have fun..
That sounds like a very relaxing vacation. Looking forward to seeing your new tricks!
Jaz bi tudi kar šla na morje, ko je pri nas tako mrzlo.Ful lepa slikca, pa še sonček sije:)
Luna izgleda super na rolki, res je pridna punca:) Komaj čakam vajine nove trikce na filmčku.
Strunjan sounds like a beautiful place! We'd love to go there, too!
Xsara, are you really skating now?!? That's AWESOME! We can't wait to see a video!
Play bows,
Xsara se opravičujem za napako. Takrat sem pisala komentar tudi na Lunin blog, in me je očitno nekaj zmedlo:)
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