A Slovenian region Železniki was recently badly damaged by a storm. On Saturday we had two canine events to raise money for these people. The first event was an agility trial and all the incomes went to the Canine Training Center of the region. They will buy new agility obstacles with the money. The other event was a Beagle Gathering (thanks to Boštjan for the photo) organised by our breeder who also lives in the damaged area. The money was raised to help one of the families who lost most of their belongings in the tragedy. It is always nice to help people and we are very glad that we could do so. Unfortunately both events were on the same day so we couldn't stay through the whole of them. But I was happy with one agility run (we had an off-course because of a very stupid mistake of mine, but the rest of the run was great) and it was nice to spend the afternoon with other beagle lovers. We are very proud to be a part of this dogs-loving community that is so willing to help the others! Again thanks to Petrca for the video!