Xsara is doing very well. I haven't posted in a while (again) because we spend every minute of our spare time playing outside. The trialing season 2009 is going to end tomorrow and I'm very happy with Xsara's runs this year. This is our first full season in the top Grade, so the courses are more difficult and the competition is very hard. She made me very proud on a trial in Ljubljana a couple of weeks ago when she placed 3rd and stood on the podium next to the super La!

Yesterday, Xsara and Tani got a new cousin. Cairn terrier Miki will be the best friend to my younger sister Katja. We still live in the same house so I wasn't sure how the girls would react to an outsider, as they now form a pack. But they both like him very much and he likes them back, so all is good :) Miki is a son of Xsara's agility friend Kin. This is his picture - he is sweet, isn't he?!
Cute puppy! And congratulations on your Ljubljana win! I'm proud to see a Beagle make it to the podium with the other breeds that people tend to think are better. Beagles rule!!
Yes, congratulations on your win! Glad you had another good agility season!
And yes, what a khutie!
He is very cute! Great job on the trials! Can't wait to see more pictures and videos.
love & wags,
Verrry cute puppy! :) Congrats on the podium placing with Xsara!!!
Hello Xsara!! We missed you!! Gee.. we missed your barkday but we saw your huge cake.. which made us smile.
Momo & Pinot
Good to hear from you again. Congrats on the winning! Oh yes, what a cutie!
Hello again Xsara how are you? And nice to meet you, Tani and Miki! (We forgot to greet to you guys last time.)
Miki is so cute and guess what? That's my mom's best friend's name for almost 30 years as well. (This human Miki is a female. :) )
Momo & Pinot
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