On Sunday we had a Rally-Obedience trial. When we saw the courses, I first considered pulling us out of the competition. There was my least favourite excercise in the world: there are 4 bowls of food on the ground and the dog must heel around each of them! And as if it weren't enough, this excercise was in the straight line from the tunnel - it would be so easy for the dog to run ahead :) But I decided to go through the course anyway, taking it as an opportunity to train. We started extremely well - even the judge said that the beginning of the course was absolutely perfect! She did sniff the bowls though, but not as much as I feared she would. However, once a beagle starts sniffing, it's hard to convince them to stop, so she was a little distracted by smell for the rest of the course. She still did the excercises very nicely, but with a little bit of sniffing now and then - and in the last excercise I accidently stepped on her foot :/ We were 4th, but with muuuuch nicer work that the previous time, so I was extremely proud of Xsara again She sure is one special little girl!!
I think Xsara did beautifully! Its hard to ignore those smells when you have a Beagle nose, but she did for the most part. I'm glad you went ahead and tried it out! And thanks for video taping it. I don't get to see rally much.
You two are special!
Kisses and hugs
Ah yes!
Yet another chance fur my mom to look at me and say "SEE, look what OTHER doggies khan do!"
Tank woo fur sharing and khongrats on a good weekend!
Great job you two! You're perfect in our book :-)
Shelly & Tommy
Amazing! How can a beagle ignore food in front of her? Also, I am always impressed by your Heel work.
Looks like the Beagle nose couldn't help it! Heehee! But you did well Xsara. I wish Malaysia had Rally OB. OB is soooo boring & strict! Rally is more fun.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
super sta, čestitke za vse uspehe! Nisem vedela, da so beaglčki tako dobri v agilitiju in RO.
Nessa in Bojana
Gram says she's shippin' the 3 of us over ta ya right away.....ya can send us back when we act like ya do......frankly, that will probably be never.....
Congratulations ta ya fer a spectacular performance....
Dewey Dewster here....
Way to go... I think they created that exercise just to torture beagles! But you did great and Xsara is so wonderful to watch. I love all the pictures with her ears flying!
wow! You are so perfect!
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