I haven't posted anything new in a while because I had a lot of work, so Xsara was a little bored. Out of protest she learned how to climb on the kitchen counter, which was a disaster so I had to remove one shelve from the room. Sometimes she does something to remind me she's a beagle, and that I should never take her nice behaviour for granted.

We haven't had any trials since the Eukanuba finale, but there will be one on Saturday. This will be our first trial in A3/J3, so it's very exciting. Naturally we regularly take time for our usual trainings and I'm very pleased with our work in both, agility and RO. We also visited a couple of nice places last week: we went back to Kamniska Bistrica and towards Kokrsko sedlo (man, how I love that place!) and to Bloke, where we saw bear traces!
Also we want to express our congratulations to all Xsara's friends from the Slovenian World Team for nice runs in Helsinki!
I bet Xsara can't wait for her trials!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
It's good to hear from you, Xsara! We have been wondering what you have been up to.
Counter tops are great! You never know what treasures you will find on them.
Good luck next weekend! I'm sure you'll be pawsome!
Good luck for your trial on Saturday.
Holly & Zac
Same thing happening here. Ive been busy at work and its been raining a lot so J&D are quite bored. Good luck at the trial on Saturday.
Good luck at the trials Saturday!
I used to counter surf, too. I even stole bananas from the top of the magic cold box -- that's even taller than the top of Dad's head! Woooooo!
I hope things went well for her new trials. She is so talented!
love & wags,
I can climb on the counter too! I usually do it when my humans aren't looking, 'cause then I can steal their food and pretend the cats did it.
Good luck with the trial today! I hope it all goes well, can't wait to hear about it!
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