Our first European Open is over! The first shock right away: the courses were in sand! Like running on the beach - I was moving my legs but wasn't going anywhere. Otherwise we had a lot of fun. The first run was OK, we only had some points on time. But the second run Xsara missed two contacts as if we hadn't been training only this for the last two weeks. Grrrrrrrrr! Otherwise I was glad she was running under such conditions (hordes of dogs, heat, chaos ...). We would finish on 67th place if both runs counted like in my country (and on World Championship). This year only the final run counted for the resulton European Open. We were also 66th in jumping which is not bad with this amount of dogs (all best dogs of Europe). But we could have performed a lot better - after all this was only our first such big trial and I was very neervous. Unfortunately I don't have any photos because I didn't have my camera :( Otherwise we are going to the sea this week and we won't be writing for two weeks. I hope this year we will convince Xsara to go swimming with us!

Lepo se imejte na morju, Ben bo pogrešal Xsaro, pa glejte, da ne zanetite kakšnega požara.
Lp, Simona&Ben
Xsara tvoj blog je čistbeden, a ti sploh veš kdaj je mami nazadnje dala kakšno objavo. Nič ne napoše kako si se mela na morju, nič kaj si se novega naučila, nič koga si srečal , nič, nič, nič. Mami, kaj je zdaj to, kje so kakšne nove slikice??? No?
Mami ima v ponedeljek izpit in je bila danes tako pridna, da me je vseeno peljala na tekmo, ceprav sem ji nagajala in se prav norcevala iz parkurja. Po izpitu bo pa uredila blog.
in prav je tako, mame je treba včasih mal hecat. Da jim ne bo preveč dolgčas v življenju in da jim ne bo preveeč lahko.
hello! thanks to viditing our page (www.beagle.websnadno.cz ) we love your tricks videos , I want to go to germany , european open 2008 , will you be there??? I hope that yes ,but i don´t know If I will be chosen to represent Slovakia in agility here... I love beagles on the course...Best Wishes Michaela, Etosha and Milli
Lovely blog you havee here
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