Xsara and Sena passed their B-bh exam yesterday. They were both very good - Sena gained 94 points, and Xsara 96 (I mixed up two exercises and gave her the wrong cue, otherwise we would get all 100 points). But the day ended very unexpectedly. A very weird cat jumped in our room, he was very scared and he smelled horribly. I've never smelled anything like this. I knew something was very wrong with him right away. We managed to get him in a crate and we took him to the animal shelter. They told us he was very sick on his intestinals. Poor cat! I felt very sorry for him but they said they would take care of him so I left him there. Then I went to the farmacy, bought various desinfection product worth 20 euros and spent the next 2 hours cleaning the room.

Cestitke se tukaj ..
Kolk ma Xsara lepe gatke ;) A je nic ne motijo? Luna se sploh noce premikat, ce ji kaj gor navlecem, kadar ima ideje o izsiljevanju z lulanjem :)
To so navadne otroske gatke, bombazne, kupljene v Sparu v kompletu 3 skupaj. In kar je najboljs - spredaj imajo natisnjenega Snoopyja ;) Naceloma je ne motijo, itak jih zna pa sama slect, ce se jih navelica. Vsake toliko se pa spomne, da bi tudi ona izsiljevala, in potem se usede kot kupcek nesrece in se drajsa po riti. Pa damo piskotka in ne motijo vec ;)
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