Yesterday we had to give Sena back to her people who returned from vacations. Of course we miss her a lot, but I think Xsara is quite happy that she has the entire bed for herself again (the king-size bed is definitely to small for two spoiled beagles). But it bothers her that I have to learn for an exam and she doesn't really understand why I'm staring to the stupid laptop instead of doing something more fun. Fortunately the weather sucks so going outside isn't so inviting. We wanted to go to obedience course for the first time after her virosis but I don't think jumping around in the rain is just what she needs right now, she is still not that well. Today we will give her the first half of her meal next to the risotto. I hope she will take it well since I recently discovered how dificult is teaching tricks with risotto!

ja, jest jo bom tud pogrešou. tko se je stiskala pr men na pojstl, k da nima nobenga na tem svet.
upam, da bo aša še kam šla u kratkem.
bo sena spet bla na dopustu :)
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