Xsara earned another sandwich on yesterday's competition. With two clean runs and good times she placed 1st. I was particularly happy because this means we accomplished the last requirement to proceed to the next competing level. We will run on 2nd level on the first outdoors trial. To cheer us there were our breeder Neva, Xsara's sister Sena with her Aša and baby Gaja and, of course our Gašper. We were also happy to see some snow but there wasn't much of it. The day passed ever so quickly.

Hi! Just discovered your blog by following the link from the agility forum. Congratulations to you and Xsara on your recent win(s). I wish my Lyra would run up and down the gugalnica like the dog in your picture!
See you in Prestranek?
How do you train the gugalnica? Do you finish every combination on it and reward Lyra for going up? Xsara used to hate ohlapni tunel and Silvia told me to train like that.
We will definitely see you in Prestranek. Thank you very much for your comment and congradulations, I hope you will write us again.
We've been working on it with Polona (but unfortunately not much lately because illness, weather, etc. have kept us from coming more regularly). I run Lyra up it as fast as I can get her to go while Polona holds the end so it doesn't move/drop. When she gets to the right point we click and treat, lower the plank (increasingly quickly), click and treat again as she holds the position, then release her. We do it again and again and again, over and over.
She doesn't balk at see-saws that she's familiar with--the one in Lj and at our home club of Ajdovscina. In fact in Ajd she often runs up it voluntarily. But when she meets an unfamiliar one on a course at a competition--trouble.
How old is she? Maybe she will just get used to them! How long have you been competing with her?
Lyra will be 4 in June. This will be our third season competing, but we didn't go to many competitions the first year because we were away during the summer. And we started well before she was ready--neither one of us knew much about the sport. She had a good season last year (2nd in the national championship in A1/J2) but we've plateaued or even regressed since then instead of improving. But I think it's just a temporary phase, and once we get on outdoor courses again we'll regain our groove. See-saw, slalom and speed are what we need to keep working on.
Oops, meant to write A1/J1 (not J2)
We'll keep our finger crossed that she suddenly starts to love the gugalnica :-) we work mostly on the speed but also on the zones. She never had problems with them until we started competing, then she just decided that she would not do them any more. But lately she's been doing them fine - the mystery of beagles I guess!
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