Xsara spent the New Year on the beach. We were walking by the sea for the entire day. Although she loves snow, she also enjoys sunshine if it doesn't get too hot. And she is specially crazy about long walks that last for the entire day.
These days I am particularly proud of Xsara. She learned to jump in my arms while I'm standing up. When we started to train some experts told me it was probably impossible to teach this trick to a beagle. They were wrong!

Joj, Barbara, ti prav morali zbijas :)))
Neeeee! To ni zbijanje morale, ampka spodbuda!!!! Beagle lahko dela vse ;-)
Ja, Luna tudi lahko dela vse .. kar si zapici v glavo in je noben za to ne krega :)))
Luna bo tut vse ubogala .. ko bo ze staaara, pa se ji nic ne bo ljubilo, hehe :)
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