Xsara is in heat. She marks her territory on our daily walks so that all the dog will be able to find our house. Despite this and some digestional problems (she ate some sharp cut pumpkin when I wasn't looking and was vomiting afterwards) she is behaving well. Last Saturday we were on an unofficial agility competition in Koper (Agi4fun) and we were 3rd although some other teams were really good. The course was very difficult so I'm really proud of this accomplishment and Xsara earned to get calamari for dinner.

Oj mami Barbara, jst mam eno idejo, kaj če bi naša Xsara(oprosti ker sem jo razglasila za našo, ampak jaz jo mam tut mal za svojo:) ) zastopala beagle na 2007 agility koledarju aaa?
Agility koledarja letos, na žalost, ne bo. Drugače jo pa z veseljem sposojamo v promocijske namene ... hihihi!
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