Xsara is doing great, she has very nice times on trials lately (4.4m/s, which is great for her). I measure her excitement on trials by the level of her barks and howls and well, she's very loud :)

EO was not her favourite thing this year, it was cold, muddy and it rained all the time. She has a strong preference for higher temperatures. But we were together and she really likes agility, plus most of her friends were there, so it was OK.

After EO we seriously needed to defreeze so we went to Corsica where she met tiny little rabbits. She was only interested in them if they were moving, once they stopped she didn't know what to do with them any more. She doesn't like to swim, but apparently the places we visited were just too tempting so even she decided to get a little wet :) She also loved hiking, camping and being outside all the time, so we're defenitely going back!

She and Tani are best friends, they play together, sleep together, cuddle together, they are inseparable. I'm very happy that they get along so well, and Xsara is defenitely very happy to have company.