Xsara is a purebred beagle. We compete in agility on A3/J3 level and we love to do tricks. To me she is the cutest, the smartest and the most wonderful dog and my best friend!
Sava Sara Brakada, AKA Xsara was born on 06-27-2004. She was raised in Kennel Brakada spending the first two months of her life on beautiful countryside Gorenjska (Slovenia) with her siblings and parents. As soon as she came to Ljubljana we started a puppy class, followed by an obedience class. She passed her B-bh exam with 96 points (instructor Agility EO winner Polona Bonač). We now continue with Rally-Obedience under Polona's supervision.
Our biggest passion however is Agility. We started our first Agility class in October 2005 (club Agility Ilirija, instructor Silvia Trkman, two times agility world champion). When Silvia stopped teaching agility classes, we switched to Daša Zakotnik. We regularly participate in Agility trials in Slovenia and sometimes abroad. Xsara also loves to learn new dog tricks, you can see some of them in our videos. Her other passions include long walks, big meals and playing with dogs, specially her pyr shep sister Tani, her crazy agility pals and her sister Sena.
Here are some new wonderful action photos of Xsara, taken by French photographer Valerie Teppe (thank you, Val!). Xsara is doing great. She really enjoys summer and extremely hot temperatures. I must constantly monitor her sun exposure and make sure she doesn't get too much of it. Every time I look away, she sneaks to the terrace and tries to catch some sun before I urge her back into the house. I find this obsession very funny. Anyway, here are the photos I was talking about and I guess I'll see some of our readers on EO next week :) Can't wait for the Czech adventure to begin!